Tips to Help You Conquer the Laundry
Having a hate/hate relationship with laundry doesn’t have to be the case. There are some simple ways to conquer the laundry without it overwhelming you.
Simplify Stain Fighting!
Before you even start the full wash process, you have to deal with the stains that can easily get set in while washing. Stain fighting doesn’t have to be complicated though. There are some myths about stain-fighting that can actually work against cleaning. We have a few of the stain-fighting myths and to fight stains the right way.
4 Stain-Fighting Myths:
- Myth - Hairspray gets ink out of clothes - While this used to be the case, it is not the case now. The reason for this is that most hairsprays are no longer alcohol-based. The alcohol in hairspray is what helps to get the stain out of that piece of clothing. Instead, use a bit of rubbing alcohol on a small rag to lift the stain.
- Myth - Club soda removes stains - Club soda doesn’t remove stains as well as many believe it will. In all actuality, the active ingredient working against that stain is water. Start by treating that stain with water before washing.
- Myth - More detergent will get the clothes cleaner - While some may think that increasing the amount of laundry soap makes clothes cleaner, that is actually not the case. In fact, using too much laundry soap can act like a dirt magnet and cause the laundry to get dirtier. Instead, add more laundry detergent to the stain and agitate it a bit to help lift the stain.
- Myth - Bleach gets clothes cleaner - While many people believe bleach is a huge help when it comes to stains, that is not the case. Bleach is actually an oxidizer. It works by removing color. This can mean that the colors in your clothes can be damaged by using bleach over time.
Pro Tip: If you are looking for a safer cleaner that really works, our AHH…NEW! 12-IN-1 Laundry Detergent is the first ever product to improve your clothes and help our environment with every wash! Your clothes will look better and feel softer. You will help reduce micro plasticizing water pollution, be able to clean in less time, using less energy and water thanks to our advanced, concentrated Eco-Fabric Formula™.

Avoid Cleaning Hindrances
The average family spends over four hundred hours a year on laundry. This is on top of the many other things a family has to do to help keep the home clean. Using good quality home care cleaning products can be a game changer. However, there are some basic things you could be doing that could be working against the cleanliness of your laundry. Here are a few cleaning hindrances to avoid when doing laundry.
3 Laundry Cleaning Hindrances:
- Spending too much time on ironing? - Did you know that there is a way to wash your clothes so that you won’t have to worry about ironing at all? If you have a piece of clothing that normally wrinkles try the following approach. Wash the clothing the way you normally would. When it comes time for drying, dry the clothes for ten to fifteen minutes. Then pull the clothes out and hang dry them. This simple move will help you to avoid wrinkles.
- Are your dark colors fading? - Many people assume this has to do with the laundry soap or the temperature of the water. The actual reason for dark colors fading is the friction caused when they are rubbing together during the wash cycle. One easy way to fix this is to turn the clothing inside out. This will cut down on the amount of color loss a piece of clothing has.
- Is clothing with buttons and zippers wearing down faster for you? - This can be because of the way you are washing these items. For items that are buttoned, you will want to unbutton them as the friction can wear down buttons. When it comes to zippers, you will want to zip them up. This will help to avoid those zippers rubbing on other clothing and causing damage in the wash.
Are You Cleaning the Laundry Alone?
In many households, one person ends up doing the majority of the laundry over and over. This can lead to laundry burnout and falling behind on laundry. You might see clothes that get washed but never get folded, or see that a load of wash doesn’t make it through the whole cycle. The beautiful thing is that the entire family can help with laundry! Even kids can get involved. Here are some ways the family can help with laundry.
Ways the family can help with the laundry:
- Get young children involved - Young children can match socks, help carry laundry to the couch, or even help with folding larger items like towels. Start with simple tasks and let younger children help with the laundry.
- Let older children help with their laundry - This may start with them helping with folding and putting away their laundry. You can also teach older children and teens how to do their own laundry and put it away. This can help to keep laundry moving and keep one person from being overwhelmed.
- Both partners can do the laundry - There are many households where women will do all the laundry because their spouse doesn’t have the interest. It can also be fear that their spouse won’t do it the right way. While those reasons exist, both partners can do the laundry. Taking the time to help your spouse with the laundry can cut down on their stress considerably.
- Give everyone a job - Everyone in the house can be helping with laundry. It can be as simple as making sure clothing gets put away, the clothes get rotated from washer to dryer, or folding clothes when they’ve been washed. If everyone chips in, the job becomes much easier to accomplish!