Cleaning Lists for the Whole Family
Daily Cleaning
One of the best ways to keep things clean is to have daily cleaning tasks. By setting aside a few minutes as part of your daily routine you will be able to better accomplish your cleaning goals. This also means a smaller time investment for a big impact. Having an all-purpose cleaner on hand makes it easy to wipe away the dirt. Even better, some of these daily cleaning tasks can be completed by children as well as their parents. Here are a few daily cleaning tasks to consider.
Weekly Cleaning
Some jobs involve a bit more of a time investment. The good news is that many of these jobs can move to a weekly basis instead of a daily basis. This gives you the ability to assign a job to a day off or to an evening in. Many of your weekly cleaning tasks, like vacuuming and cleaning floors, can be accomplished by any member of the house. In fact, some can be completed by the teens and kids. Here are a few weekly cleaning tasks for kids and teens.
Monthly Cleaning
Monthly cleaning can be more involved. These are items that involve either a bit more care, time, or detail. When choosing monthly cleaning tasks, you will want to set aside a bit more time for these. Some of these tasks, especially those that involve certain cleaning supplies, also may not work for younger children. While younger children may be able to help, these tasks are meant for teens and adults. Here are a few monthly cleaning tasks to consider.
On Occasion Cleaning
There are some cleaning tasks that don’t require daily cleaning. In fact, they may not even fall into your weekly or monthly cleaning. You may do these tasks when you notice they are needed. You could also make these seasonal or quarterly tasks. For most of these tasks the adults will be doing the bulk of the work. Here are a few on occasion cleaning tasks to add to seasonal or quarterly cleaning.