Before you pull out all of the fantastic fall decorations you’re ready to put out, let’s set up a deep fall clean. The beautiful thing about fall cleaning is that it’s generally a simple job to get done. Here are a few things to add to your fall cleaning checklist this year.
Fall Cleaning Checklist
Start with a Summer Declutter
As the summer months come to a close, you might find that you have a great deal of summer clutter hanging around. This can include clothing that won’t work for fall, waterplay items, and even decorations that won’t handle the fall and winter months. Start your fall off right by cleaning and decluttering these summer items. Here are a few ideas for a summer declutter:
- Start with clothing - One of the biggest collectors of dust and creators of clutter is clothing that is not being used. Before heading into fall, it can help to use an eco-friendly laundry soap to clean all items that won’t be used for the fall months. After cleaning these items you can either donate them to a worthwhile charity if they won’t be used or store them in space saver bags for the next season they will be needed for.
- Move to toys next - Water play items can be a quick area to find the mold and standing water if they are left unattended until the following summer. Take some time to use a kid-safe all-purpose cleaner to clean out the inside of these toys before storing them away. This can also be a great time to remove toys children no longer play with and donate them if needed.
- Clean and store warm weather items - Do you have yard items, indoor decorations, or even dishes that are typically only used during the summer months? This is a good time to clean these items before storing them or donating them. Use a kid-safe all-purpose cleaner to wipe down these items before storing them.

Clean Walls, Floors, and Decorations
When moving from summer to fall it can be easy to overlook areas such as walls, floors, and even décor. So often these areas become collectors of dust and leave your home looking less clean. Spending a short amount of time cleaning these areas can have a huge impact on the cleanliness and fresh smell of your home. Here are a few things to consider when cleaning these areas:
- Start by cleaning walls - Oftentimes people don’t think much about the value of cleaning their walls. Spending as little as five minutes using the five-minute clean walls bundle can remove dust and stuck-on dirt, and even clean your baseboards! This is a quick job that will offer you a fresh start for fall decorating while giving the home a clean smell!
- Next, work on the floors - Did you know your floors can trap germs and odors? In fact, thorough cleaning of the floors can have a huge impact on the cleanliness of the entire home. Even better, it can help your floors to last longer. Use the clean floors bundle to treat stains, remove odors, and give your floors a fresh smell all at the same time!
- Don’t forget about the decorations - Items such as special mementos, hanging pictures, and other decorations can add a great personal touch to your home. They are also a great place for dust and dirt to hide. Spend a few minutes with a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose cleaner removing the dust from these items.

Clean the Kitchen and Bathroom
Fall is the season when you will start to entertain people more. You may also find yourself in the kitchen doing more baking and meal prepping. While this can be so wonderful, it can be even better when the kitchen and bathroom are clean. Spending a short amount of time cleaning these areas can make the entire home feel cleaner. Here are a few areas to remember to clean:
- Deep clean the counters and tables - Counters and table tops in both kitchens and bathrooms can quickly become catch-all areas for messes and germs. Take some time to completely remove all items from the counter and table tops. Use a microfiber cloth and a kitchen cleaner and degreaser to thoroughly clean counters and table tops.
- Clean appliances - Refrigerators and ovens can be big collectors of small spills and messes that add up over time. Take some time to empty out the refrigerator and oven. Use a kitchen cleaner and degreaser to clean all of these small spills up and prepare your appliances for a busy fall baking season. It is also important to wipe down the outside and sides of these appliances as messes can drip down the sides and front of appliances while they are being used.
- Clean the toilet and shower/tub well - Spending a bit of time doing a detailed cleaning of the shower and toilet can have a huge impact on the overall cleanliness of your bathroom. Even better, it can be done fairly easily with the right products. The Ultimate Bathroom Cleaning Bundle has everything you need! Use the hard water stain remover to easily clean and prevent hard water stains. The mold and mildew stain remover and protector will help you to remove mold and help to keep it gone. Take the time to give these areas a deep clean and they are sure to stay cleaner longer!
- Don’t forget about the floors! - Floors in the bathroom and kitchen are easy to get dirty. With spills and standing water, floors and grout can become homes to dirt, mold, and germs. Use the CleanFloors Grout Brush Tool and Cleaner to remove these stubborn messes and help your kitchen and bathroom floors to shine! Even better, these tools can be used all season to keep the floors clean with minimal time and effort!