It All Starts at the Front Door
These are things you might know but maybe didn’t think about. Even better, these things will take your cleanliness to the next level. It’s time for a cleanliness level up. It’s time to clean the safe way with powerful cleaners and it starts with how you handle your feet before you ever enter the front door.

Why Should You Worry About Shoes in the House?
Many people don’t realize that they are often tracking fecal matter into their homes. In fact, 93% of shoes worn for one month have fecal matter on them. This can mean animal matter from outside. However, it can also come from public restrooms that aren’t maintained at the level they should be. The transfer rate of this material to a clean floor is 90-100%!
Think about all the times you are on the floor playing with kids or pets. If you are dragging this stuff in on your feet, these are the things you are rolling around in and playing in. It can be hard to make a shift to a house that doesn’t have to include outdoor shoes inside but it doesn’t have to. Wearing shoes in the house can bring in a variety of unsavory items and germs. However, there are simple solutions to this problem.
So what do you do about it? We have a few simple tips to help you stop the spread of germs and unsavory particles to your home. Even better, many of these steps are simple and involve minimal financial investment to make them happen! You won’t even need to add them to the chore list! Even better, many of these are simple enough that you can add them to your family routine. With a few simple steps you can cut down on the germs and particles brought into your home.

Get a Doormat
Opt for a natural fiber doormat that can help you to wipe off a majority of particles on the way into the door. Make sure to opt for something like a coconut husk doormat that will function well and remove most particles successfully. Not all doormats are created equal. Some will not handle weather and others are not designed to thoroughly remove particles from shoes. Make sure to choose something that is guaranteed to remove many of the things that you will typically track in on the bottom of your shoes.
You will want one in front of each of your most commonly used doors to start with. While this solution won’t completely remove all particles, this will remove a great deal. Getting a doormat in front of each door is a great first step for protecting your home. Ideally, you should have a doormat in front of each door to your home. This will help to better guarantee that these particles will be successfully removed. Spend some time researching doormats to find the best option for your home and overall design aesthetic.

Have a Second Cotton Rug Inside
Once you get in the house it’s time for a second cotton rug. You can use this second rug to remove more particles from shoes. Take a few seconds to wipe your shoes off again when coming in the door. There are a variety of indoor rugs on the market. Opt for a cotton rug that is washable and will trap particles. You will want to wash this rug often with a natural laundry detergent as it is inside of your home. This will eliminate any residual germs or particles that might be on this rug.

Switch Shoes
After you remove particles from shoes, you will want to switch your outdoor shoes for a pair of indoor shoes or slippers that are specifically used indoors. If you are concerned with germs or particles from outside, you can put shoes from outdoors into a closed container. The goal of switching shoes is to keep only clean shoes on your indoor surfaces. Socks and bare feet are also an option if your floors are clean.
Make sure to have a location near the door to store shoes so that people are not tracking outdoor materials through the house in order to get to a shoe storage place. This is also helpful if you have guests visiting. Letting them know the rules about shoes can help them to comply. If you are looking for a fun way to make guests aware of the rule, consider having a fun sign up or an area designated to shoes that are worn outdoors.

Wipe Down Shoes
You will want to also want to clean the bottoms of your shoes with a safe but effective all-purpose cleaner regularly. This will help to clean particles and germs from the bottom of both your in the house and out of the house shoes. The frequency of wiping down shoes will depend on how you store them, where you go, and how concerned you are with outdoor particles. However, it is important to wipe down the bottoms of your shoes as often as possible to protect your home and family.
In order to safely wipe down shoes, you will want to get a rag or cloth that can be laundered. Use a natural spray that is known to remove germs. Spray a light mist on the bottoms of shoes and then wipe them down. Make sure to use a quality spray that is guaranteed to remove these germs and particles from your shoes. There is no real frequency that is ideal for spraying down the bottom of shoes. Do what works best for your family and your situation.